Brian Nolan

Brian Nolan
Merry Widow

Brian Nolan
Artistic Director
Brian Nolan
Hayden Symphony

USA-IBC Coaching
Laura Tong + Iskra Stoyanova
Mission Statement
As I reflect on my experiences in the world of dance as a performer, a teacher, a Director and now a mentor, i continually celebrate all that it has given me including a host of precious memories and an unashamed sense of pride. Over the years I have found dance and all the attributes that it brings, to be an immensely rewarding, exciting and certainly at times as challenging an experience as anyone could ever hope to acquire!
As one of the oldest art forms known to civilization, we learn to dance by copying, listening, absorbing, participating and engaging in our own internal rhythms and feelings which in turn enables us to express movement. The commitment, self-discipline and dedication required today to hopefully become a dancer and to be successful, is extremely high and extremely demanding!
To pursue a career in dance is one of the most stimulating but challenging decisions an individual can make. Selecting or choosing a dancing school that can hopefully deliver all the requirements and needs for your child to possibly one day live out their dream or simply to be reassured that the training your child is receiving is at the very least - the safest and the very best, can be very daunting indeed. But, for those who make the choice, the gains and the personal rewards can far outweigh anything else!
At the Brian Nolan Academy of Dance, we give you the training options to ensure your child receives the highest quality training possible, in a safe and nurturing environment.
Students (like teachers) are constantly under scrutiny especially when it comes to instruction. Instruction can be simple or complex, short or long, physical or mental, but, a good school that has good teachers will put a lot of time and effort into the learning process. This along with good training and constant repetition, will hopefully guide and encourage the student to "listen, learn and love" and thus absorb the information with greater ease and clarification.
Most experts concur that a dancer’s body is critical to having the ideal physique. Apart from the aesthetic consideration, a well-proportioned body should endure the stresses and strains of the workload required of it with greater ease than one in which there is some contradiction. As such, preparing the physique with technique, stretching, core stability, strengthening and alignment are all essential tools we encourage to enable your child to have the best possible chance they can.
A musician becomes one with the instrument that they perform. A singer’s instrument is their voice. In the world of dance especially classical ballet, our instrument is our physique, which is infinitely complicated, astonishingly diverse, extraordinarily functional, artistically imposing and at the very least - aesthetically pleasing. If we are lucky, work hard, are conscientious with our training and everything falls into place our instrument then becomes our servant.
With its artistic form, dance has the ability to overcome cultural, physical, emotional, gender and language differences through the human expression, which in turn links us all together, no matter where or from what corner of the globe we come from.
And finally, I need to acknowledge all my teachers and peers especially Chris Apostolidis who's mentoring has been and continues to be - ever evolving and as spiritual as dance itself! To my very first teacher Mrs. Patricia Little who encouraged me to take up Classical Ballet, to Mr. Paul Hammond and Dame Margaret Scott who along with Chris, have all traveled the road with me along my own journey - guiding, inspiring, encouraging and enlightening me with their infinite wisdom and knowledge - Thank You!
Brian Nolan

Brian Nolan Academy of Dance